Monday, June 16, 2008

Father's Day Flight

On Father's Day I loaded up the family in 95H and headed out to Ocean Shores (W04) for lunch and some kite flying. This was my five-year-old daughter's first time in a small plane and, aside from the pressure changes causing her ears some discomfort, she really enjoyed the trip. My 14-year-old boy also had fun. Up until know he's never really showed any interest in flying at all, but he thought this trip was cool.

Unfortunately things weren't as wonderful for my wife. She suffers from severe motion sickness, and about halfway to W04 we had to descend to 1500' to get under the marine layer and it got bumpy. By the time we touched down she was ready to take a bus home. After lunch at the Shilo Inn she started feeling better, and she picked up some dramamine at the pharmacy in Ocean Shores.

After lunch we went to the beach to fly a kite and watch all the other kites. It seems there was a kite festival going on, and the sky was filled with them. I think some of them were bigger than 95H!

By the time we left at 3:00 PM, the sky had started to clear. A couple of miles out from W04 we were able to climb to 3500' and stayed at that altitude until passing Tacoma Narrows. The dramamine helped a lot. Not only did my wife not get sick, but she slept half the flight! Touchdown was without incident.

Total time: 2.2 hours.

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